25 May: The New EU-Mexico agreement. All that glitters is not gold

Global Campaign

PDF VERSION   The New EU-Mexico agreement: All that glitters is not gold Tuesday 25th May 2021 4.30 – 6.00 pm (CET Brussels) / 9.30 – 11.00 am (Mexico City) Webinar Link to register: http://bitly.ws/dna3 Simultaneous interpretation will be provided●●●

Analysis Research, Campaigns, Take action, TNC Violations

World March of Women stands in solidarity with Colombia

Global Campaign

10 May 2021 Source: World March of Women     Declaration of Solidarity with the People of Colombia   From the World March of Women, we send our voice of protest and repudiation to the Colombian government led by Duque●●●


Global Campaign statement in Solidarity with Colombian People

Global Campaign

7 may 2021     Statement of the Global Campaign on the Human Rights violations in Colombia during the National Strike    The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity resoundly condemns the state of●●●
