The Right to the City and the UN Binding Treaty

Global Campaign

        VIRTUAL SIDE-EVENT   At the occasion of the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council   The Right to the City and the UN Binding Treaty on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights   Wednesday 23rd●●●

Analysis Research, Campaigns, Events, Take action, TNC Violations

Polluters & Plunderers: The Roots of Africa’s Crises

Global Campaign

June 2021 Source: WoMin African Alliance       Message from Womin:   Dear Friends,   As we celebrate World Environment Day, June 5, WoMin is pleased to launch the first in a series of animated short films – Polluters●●●

Alternatives, Analysis Research, Campaigns, Resources

Global Anti-Chevron Day 2021

Global Campaign

Activities organised worlwide on the occasion of the May 21st Anti-Chevron Day.     INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION AND CORPORATE IMPUNITY: LESSONS FROM THE CASES CHEVRON AND RWE Friday, 21st May 2021, 4 pm – 5:30 pm Amsterdam, 9 am to 10:30●●●

Alternatives, Analysis Research, Campaigns, Data & Infographics, Events