New report on industrial paradises and environmental hells for Peoples in Mexico

Global Campaign

11 October 2021 Transnational Corporations and Free Trade in Mexico Caravan on the Social and Environmental Impacts (#ToxiTourMexico)   Letter sent by 12 MEPs to the European Commission with the Recommendations of the Report (2 pages)   Download the Full●●●

Resources, TNC Violations

New Report Maps the involvement of European corporations and financial institutions in the destruction of the Amazon and Cerrado in Brazil

Global Campaign

Source: ENCO 4 October 2021   The report “Invisible hands?European corporations and the deforestation of the Amazon and Cerrado biomes” offers a survey of the involvement of European firms – including banks – at different stages of the supply chain●●●

Analysis Research, Data & Infographics, Press Releases

Global Campaign expresses concern on Experts Working Group on TNCs and HR approach

Global Campaign

28 June 2021   Joint Global Campaign Statement at the 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council   Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with Experts Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights  

Resources, Statements, TNC Violations