Making history: El Salvador becomes the first country to ban metal mining

Friends of the Earth International

        El Salvador made history last week by becoming the first country ever to ban metal mining.  The success of this decades long struggle is proof that people can take on corporate interests and win. This is●●●


BNP’s TRIAL: #BNPcoupable

Dismantle Corporate Power

  11th of APRIL : BNP’s TRIAL   Tomorrow, Florent Compain, President of Friends of the Earth France, will be judged in Bar-le-Duc (France), because of his participation to a non-violent action of “chairs requisition” (requisition of chairs  in banks implied●●●

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Mega-Mergers: 3 giant corporations controlling South Africa’s Food and Farming systems

The African Centre for Biodiversity

          Amidst the deepening political crisis in which South Africa is mired, another slow-burning crisis is playing out in our food and farming systems as three mega mergers are being sewn up. According to a report●●●

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