SIDE-EVENT – The risks of corporate power concentration to human and peoples’ rights: the need for a Binding Treaty

Dismantle Corporate Power

    SIDE EVENT   On the occasion of the 35th session of UN Human Rights Council, Friends of the Earth International, Corporate Accountability International, Transnational Institute, La Via Campesina, Europe Third World Centre (CETIM) and Human Rights and Business●●●

Events, News

Chevron: Call on the Swiss National Bank

UDAPT- Unión de Afectados y Afectadas por las Operaciones de Texaco (UDAPT)

  CALL UPON THE SWISS NATIONAL BANK TO VOTE AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF CHEVRON ON MAY 31st, 2017     On the basis of the anti-Chevron campaign, several Swiss organizations have launched a call to the Swiss National Bank●●●

News, Take action

Is international investment law moving the ball forward on IHRL obligations for business enterprises?


  by Anil Yilmaz-Vastardis   The question of whether businesses are subjects of international law in the absence of express treaty provisions to that effect, and thus can have IHRL obligations, receives mixed answers from legal scholars. Rights granted to●●●

Analysis Research, News