Ecuador earthquake disaster relief undermined by multi-million dollar investment tribunal decision

Dismantle Corporate Power

  April 29th –Today, the Ecuadorian government is required to pay $180 million to multinational oil corporation Occidental, the final payment of a total settlement of $980 million following the widely criticized decision of an Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)●●●

News, Press Releases

Investment Court System put to the test

Transnational Institute

  New EU proposal will perpetuate investors’ attacks on health and environment   Report   The European Commission says that its new investment proposal –the Investment Court System – will protect governments’ abilities to regulate on crucial matters such as●●●

Analysis Research, News, Resources

Tegucigalpa 13-15 April: International Peoples´ Forum “Berta Caceres lives on”

Dismantle Corporate Power

  Tegucigalpa 13-15 April: International Peoples´ Forum “Berta Caceres lives on”   The situation in Honduras remains very serious. Fear and tension is breathed in the atmosphere since before the assassination of Berta Cáceres, but intimidation, threats and killings continue●●●

Events, News