Via Campesina will join 2016 World Social Forum to strengthen and advance food sovereignty and peasants’ rights

Via Campesina

    Several delegates comprising women, men, youth, and representing peasants and migrant agricultural and rural workers from several regions of La Via Campesina, will carry messages of global solidarity and food sovereignty at the 2016 World Social Forum this●●●

News, Press Releases

Protest Letter on the visas – WSF

Dismantle Corporate Power

      To the International Council of the WSF,To the WSF Montreal local  Organizing Committee,To all organizers, media-makers and activist who are  invested in the integrity of the WSF   Dear all,   We see with great concern that●●●

News, Press Releases, Statements


Dismantle Corporate Power

  The Southern Africa Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power is holding its first session of the Permanent Peoples Tribunal on Transnational Corporations on 16 & 17 August in Manzini, Swaziland.   [SEE FULL PRESS RELEASE]   During the 2-day session,●●●

News, Press Releases