Coca-Cola’s Second Largest Plant Shuts Production in India

India Resource Center

  Plant Flouts Environmental Laws, Operating Without Licenses   New Delhi:  Coca-Cola’s second largest bottling plant in India has shut production due to pollution violations, the India Resource Center can confirm after a visit to the plant yesterday.   The●●●

News, Press Releases

Southern Africans speak at Tribunal to dismantle corporate power

Dismantle Corporate Power

  (16 August 2016 – Manzini, Swaziland, SEATINI Reportage) – Testimonies expected from people and communities at the International Permanent Peoples Tribunal included a litany of charges against various Transnational Corporations (TNCs) from unethical conduct in accounting and tax through●●●

Events, News

Follow the Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity activities at the World Social Forum 2016

Dismantle Corporate Power

    Urgent letter to the Canadian Government   See here the protest letter of the Global Campaign in front of unjustified mass refusal of visas to participants from the Global South that is taking place in the preparation of●●●

Events, News