The right to health: The fight of indigenous and peasants for the future generations

Dismantle Corporate Power

    Roundtable: The right to health: The fight of indigenous and peasants for the future generations The cases of Chevron and Syngenta Thursday 27th October 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Maison des associations – Room Wangari Muta Maathai 15,●●●

Analysis Research, Events, News

El Salvador wins arbitration against Oceana Gold/Pacific Rim mining company

National Roundtable against Metal Mining

  Today, the General Attorney of the Republic of El Salvador offered a press conference in Washington D.C. to share the results of the arbitration, about which he had been notified by the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes●●●

News, Press Releases

People Vs Corporate Power: Uniting struggles against TNCs

Dismantle Corporate Power

14 October 2016 10am-1pm. Hall No. 1 Xavier’s Centre of Historical Research, Alto Porvorim, Goa   Updates from struggles: Coca-cola, Unilever, Areva, POSCO, Veolia Vedanta, Adani, Tata, Reliance, Monsanto, Cargill, Dow Chemicals, Lafarge, Maersk, Novartis, Wal-Mart, Arcelor Mittal, etc.  ●●●

Events, News