#RocheGreedKills 7th February 2017 Today we stand together as women living with cancer, families of people with cancer, activists, scientists, researchers and health professionals from across the world. Together we demand that no woman go without●●●
Argentina Federal Government Recognizes Glaciers in Mining Areas
Center for human rights and environment
Through a quietly released official announcement, the Federal Environment Secretary of Argentina, Sergio Bergman, informed that Argentina’s National Glacier Inventory has just completed a glacier count in the controversial Famatina Mountains, and that the National Glacier Institute (the IANIGLA) recognizes●●●
The ‘Argentina Better Without an FTA’ - Assembly
Let’s put a stop to the WTO’s agenda and to Free Trade Agreements and investment provisions! Let’s build commercial relations that serve peoples’ interests and protect the environment! In 2017, let’s bring the ‘battle in Seattle’ to●●●