Events, News

European multipliers training on ISDS and corporate accountability

Seattle to Brussels Network

Resultado de imagem para s2bEuropean multipliers training on ISDS and corporate accountability


In early 2019, a large alliance of civil society organisations will start a European campaign to shift the position of the European Union on corporate rights and people’s rights.


We will campaign to end the EU and member states’ support for super-rights and access to parallel courts for foreign investors; and ensure the EU and member states support for national, European and international binding obligations for investors.


From November 19 to 20, the Seattle to Brussels Network , Handel Anders – Coalitie voor duurzame & eerlijke handel (NL), Friends of the Earth Europe,  Anders Handeln (Austria), Institute for Global Responsibility (Poland), Collectif Stop TAFTA (France), Campana No a los tratados de comercio e inversión (Spanish State), Netzwerk Gerechter Welthandel (Germany), Corporate Europe ObservatoryEuropean Coalition for Corporate JusticeGlobal Campaign to Reclaim Peoples Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and Stop Impunity and the Transnational Institute are convening a two days multipliers training for activists and campaigners, from all EU member states.


At the end of the training :


  • Trade campaigners will understand the language, strategies and narratives used by campaigners working on corporate impunity and accountability;
  • Corporate campaigners will understand ISDS, the language, strategies and narratives used by trade & investment campaigners;
  • Participants will be able to express the key messages and narratives of the joint campaign, including both angles; and to address the main arguments from proponents of corporate rights, and opponents of corporate accountability mechanisms.


The multipliers training will be followed by a one day strategy session.


The training will take place in 11.11.11, 11, Rue de la Linière in Brussels.


+++Please register and see the agenda HERE+++