
14 Oct: Chinese companies and coronavirus: what is happening in Latin America?

Global Campaign


Chinese companies and coronavirus: what is happening in Latin America?


The Collective on Chinese Financing and Investments, Human Rights and the Environment (CICDHA by its acronym in Spanish) invites you to participate in the webinar “Chinese companies and coronavirus: what is happening in Latin America”, a space for analysis and reflection on the impacts, strategies, the policies and proposals that have emerged both from China and from Latin American civil society organizations during the pandemic in the face of projects with Chinese participation in the region.


Introduction by Kiara Guerra from the Initiative for Sustainable Investments China-Latin America (CLASII).


This dialogue will be moderated by Fermín Koop, journalist specialized in environment and climate change and regional editor of the Chinese Dialogue.


We will have the participation of the following panelists:

  • Sofía Jarrín, Advocacy Advisor at Amazon Watch – Ecuador.
  • Julia Cuadros, executive director of CooperAcción – Peru.
  • María Marta Di Paola, research director of the Environment and Natural Resources Foundation (FARN by its acronym in Spanish) – Argentina.
  • Brent Millikan, Amazon Director at International Rivers – Brazil.

We will be waiting for you next Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at: 10 am Ecuador / Peru; 11 am Bolivia / Washington DC; 12 pm Argentina / Brazil.


Remember to register in advance at this link:–JvS2W_sUyQ-CO_Gw


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